Sunday, December 29, 2013

WW12 - Web Publishing

Web publishing is the one important steps to let the other explore your web. To publish the web, you must decide which web host is the best one by comparing the features and capacity offer. Some people choose the free web host i.e 000WebHost to publish their website. anyway, there are few concerns need to be consider when you decide to choose the free web host because there a limitation in term of uploading, ftp file manager and space capability.

Some of the free web host has limit access to the website, if the users access exceed bandwidth limit, the web will be unavailable. This is the one of bad news if you use free web host.

Dr Noraffandy was highlight the phenomena of blogspot. Blogspot is the free web based can be use to do business, as a diary and consult the others. Blogs has an apps in smartphone and can be access everywhere even you can update anytime. An institution like MIT and UTM did not use the blogspot even the blogs is free web. this is because they has their own branding. They prefer to use and .utm as a prefix name for their website address. 

WW11 - Web Testing

 This week is so special because we have guest from Centre of Teaching And Learning (CTL) coming to evaluate Dr Dayana's lecture.

Class was started with the conservation between 2 person (Nadwa and Me), where the are problem when Asrul ask Nadwa to explore the new web entitled "Chemical Bonding". After a few minute, Nadwa found several problem in hyperlink and notice there a background color used was not matched with button color.

There a few type of error must be AVOIDED!

  1. Design flaws - screen layout not tally, user interface problems
  2. Content Errors - inaccuracies , data not tally with the media/photo.
  3. Software - technical problem during operation.
Type of Testing
  1. Functionality Testing - testing on the programmatic features
  2. Layout Testing - ability of the website to compatible with various browser 
  3. Load Testing - capabilities of web to load
  4. Link Testing - link between from web to other site
  5. Usability Testing - to evaluate the quality attribute that assess how easy the user interface to use.
After the lecture, Dr Dayana ask each group to design the testing question based on web design and  web content. 

Sunday, December 8, 2013

WW 10 - Group Discussion about Web Design

This week we had a discussion regarding the web development. We have change the problem after Diana proposed new problem with clear steps in order to apply Problem Based Learning approaches. Before end the class, our team has divided each team members with individual task. We also agree to proceed the conversation using Facebook if there any problem in their tasks.

WW 9 - 50% Presentation

This week we have 50% presentation, the presentation was judged by Dr Noraffandy. I was team up with 3 other friends which are Nadwa, Vicki and Diana. We have come up with the website entitled Cuboid for form 3 student. The learning approach of our website is Problem Based Learning (PBL). After presentation, Dr Noraffandy has come out with few inputs for improvement.

Dr Noraffandy was explained what visual design can do to attract the user attentions. Dr was use the example of Google’s website, the Google has minimized design and the interface is as simple as possible. Unnecessary features and hyperlinks are omitted, lots of whitespace is used. In addition, Google is fast to load and have many features.

Interfaces of Google

WW 8 - Visual Design

Visual design is about how we apply the principle of design into our web design. Here we’ll the integrations of images, colors, fonts and other elements can help to enhance the value of our website.

There are few things we need to consider in our design:

  1. Colors chosen – color must meet the needs of the target user
  2. Font or styles – must use sans serif i.e Verdana and Georgia
  3. Graphic and multimedia – what media to add, video streaming or embedded?
  4. Layout arrangement – it is can attract the user?
Anyway, we need to focus on some issue in our design

  1. Choose the visual theme that aligns with web content.
  2. Use template concept to make it consistent.
  3. Use table or division for layout arrangement.
  4. Typography
  • use same font for each web page
  • use sans serif
  • use not more than 2 fonts per page

At the end of lecture, Dr Dayana asks each group to discuss and sketch the layout web that will be developed. We have agreed to proceed below sketches as our web layout.

WW 7 - Information Design

Information design is how we present our design in effective way. There are few steps to have a good information design in our web site.

by definition, information design "is the defining, planning, and shaping of the contents of a message and the environments in which it is presented, with the intention to satisfy the information needs of the intended recipients”
  1. Message : What information do you wish to share? 
  2. Audience: Whom do you wish to share your message with?
  3. Purpose: How and why do you want to share your message with the audience?
  4. Background: What does your intended audience already know about the subject you are discussing.
  5. Structure: How can your message be organized most effectively? 

WW 6 - Interaction Design

From the note given by Dr Dayana, i have come out with the mind map of interaction design. 

Peta Minda berdasarkan Nota Interaction Design

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

WW 5 - Learning Strategy

This week the lesson on topic learning strategy. The Learning Strategy is the way we approach to determine and achieve the learning objective.

There are few learning strategies that are well known  :

  1. Problem Solving - a student- centered pedagogy where the student try to solve by using methodical approach.
  2. Problem Based Learning -  a student-centered pedagogy in which students learn about a subject through the experience of problem solving. Students learn both thinking strategies and domain knowledge
  3. Collaborative Learning - learning based on peer or group.
  4. Inquiry Based Learning -  a student-centered and teacher-guided instructional approach that engages students in investigating real world questions
There are to important terms to describe our thesis or research, there were:
  • Validity - it is a approval that we receive from the expert. Expert of content and design
  • Reliability - it is a questionnaire that we tested on small group before the real target. It must have pretest and post test.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

WW3 - Web Development Process

This topic is quite interesting. We need a system/method to follows before create a web. in education, create a website is no meaning if the content cannot attract the user or improve the user or achieve the objective of the website.

Instructional Design (ID) Model 
Instructional Design is the systematic development of instructional specifications using learning and instructional theory to ensure the quality of instruction. It is the entire process of analysis of learning needs and goals and the development of a delivery system to meet those needs.

The five phases of ADDIE are as follows: 

During analysis, the designer identifies the learning problem, the goals and objectives, the audience’s needs, existing knowledge, and any other relevant characteristics. Analysis also considers the learning environment, any constraints, the delivery options, and the timeline for the project.

A systematic process of specifying learning objectives. Detailed storyboards and prototypes are often made, and the look and feel, graphic design, user-interface and content is determined here.

The actual creation (production) of the content and learning materials based on the Design phase.

During implementation, the plan is put into action and a procedure for training the learner and teacher is developed. Materials are delivered or distributed to the student group. After delivery, the effectiveness of the training materials is evaluated.

This phase consists of (1) formative and (2) summative evaluation. Formative evaluation is present in each stage of the ADDIE process. Summative evaluation consists of tests designed for criterion-related referenced items and providing opportunities for feedback from the users. Revisions are made as necessary.

Source: Here

Dick and Carey Model

Stage 1. Instructional Goals
* Instructional Goal: Desirable state of affairs by instruction
* Needs Analysis : Analysis of a discrepancy between an instructional goal and the present state of affairs or a personal perception of needs.

Stage 2. Instructional Analysis
* Purpose : To determine the skills involved in reaching a goal
* Task Analysis (procedural analysis) : about the product of which would be a list of steps and the skills used at each step in the procedure
* Information-Processing Analysis : about the mental operations used by a person who has learned a complex skills
* Learning-Task Analysis : about the objectives of instruction that involve intellectual skills

Stage 3. Entry Behaviors and Learner Characteristics* Purpose : To determine which of the required enabling skills the learners bring to the learning task
* Intellectual skills
* Abilities such as verbal comprehension and spatial orientation
* Traits of personality

Stage 4. Performance Objectives
* Purpose : To translate the needs and goals into specific and detailed objectives
* Functions : Determining whether the instruction related to its goals.
Focusing the lesson planning upon appropriate conditions of learning
Guiding the development of measures of learner performance
Assisting learners in their study efforts.

Stage 5. Criterion-Referenced Test Items
*To diagnose an individual possessions of the necessary prerequisites for learning new skills
*To check the results of student learning during the process of a lesson
*To provide document of students progress for parents or administrators
*Useful in evaluating the instructional system itself (Formative/ Summative evaluation)
*Early determination of performance measures before development of lesson plan and instructional materials

Stage 6. Instructional Strategy
* Purpose : To outline how instructional activities will relate to the accomplishment of the objectives
*The best lesson design : Demonstrating knowledge about the learners, tasks reflected in the objectives, and effectiveness of teaching strategies
e.g. Choice of delivering system.
Teacher-led, Group-paced vs. Learner-centered, Learner-paced

Stage 7. Instructional Meterials
* Purpose : To select printed or other media intended to convey events of instruction.
* Use of existing materials when it is possible
* Need for development of new materials, otherwise
* Role of teacher : It depends on the choice of delivery system

Stage 8. Formative Evaluation
* Purpose : To provide data for revising and improving instructional materials
* To revise the instruction so as to make it as effective as possible for larger number of students
* One on One : One evaluator sitting with one learner to interview
* Small Group
* Field Trial

Stage 9. Summative Evaluation
* Purpose : To study the effectiveness of system as a whole
* Conducted after the system has passed through its formative stage
* Small scale/ Large Scale
* Short period/ Long period

Source : Here

Sunday, September 22, 2013

WW2 - Basic Concept of Website

Dr Dayana mengajar berkaitan asas website dimana penerangan berkaitan LMS,CMS, blog, wordpress dan webpage.

Types of website:
Website has different function and it's purpose is based on what the website serve for user. Here's is some of them:

  1. informational site -
  2. transactional site -
  3. community site -
  4. entertainment site -

So aku listkan terms ape yang aku paham based on today lesson:
  1. Website - webpage combination and it's may contain text, graphics, and hyperlinks to other web pages 
  2. Homepage - is the local front page of the website
  3. Web page - single page of website
  4. LMS - e.g moodle. it was applied in elearning website
  5. CMS - organise content - e.g website faculty
Few question regarding on today lesson:

1. Personal web development using web authoring software vs CMS vs blog?
  • Based on group discussion, my team and chose to prefer blogs as the personal web development.
  • it's free, save time and no skill required to be the admin of the blogs
2.Educational web development using web authoring software vs LMS vs blog?
  • my group prefer LMS as the educational web development as it's is much easy to create and handle.
  • the free template is provided to the admin and the content management is powerful enough to manage education site.

WW1 - Introduction

Alhamdulillah, aku telah sampai ke SEM ke 2. Tinggal 1 semester lagi utk menghabiskan pengajian master di UTM, Skudai ini.

Sememangnya minggu ini menerima pensyarah yg baru dikenali, Dr.Noraffandy Yahaya. Seorang yang boleh dikatakan tegas dari segi luaran, namun seorang yang santai bila berbicara, cuak juga masuk kelas ni disebabkan tidak ramai student yg amik subjek ni utk sem ni maka ak boleh bayangkan soalan2 yang kena dijawab bila di tanya kelak.(tambahan pula aku la hero dalam kelas ni memandangkan yang lain sume heroin..hahaha)

Di minggu pertama, kami didedahkan dengan perjalanan subjek ni yang akan berlangsung selama 15 minggu akan datang. Dari pendengaran dan pemahaman aku subjek ni adalah prerequisite utk subjek Authoring System. So sesiapa yang belum ambil jangan memandai nak langkah bendul!!

Dari segi pengajar, Dr.Noraffandy Yahaya akan berganding dengan Dr Dayana. Dr.Noraffandy Yahaya akan masuk selepas pertengahan sem dan Dr Dayana akan mengajar teori2 berkaitan sepanjang pertengahan sem ni.

Bosan jugak sb xde geng lelaki, sem lepas masa ambil Authoring System pn ade sorng je geng laki. Tak boleh la nak sembang 'out of the box' sb pompuan kan skema2 sume (tak kawen lg).. haha

Dari segi assignment ade byk yg libatkan group, so kena form group dalam 3-4org utk develop web dan bt design document untuk subjek ni selain final report. Bagi assignment individual pula ade 2 iaitu blog dan website evaluation.